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Viewing Johnny 's Tobacco Cellar

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Cellar Summary - 0 open containers, 522 cellared containers holding 68 lbs 7.5 oz
Open Containers - 0 containers are open.
Brand Blend Name   Type Storage Oz. Buy Date Tin Date Age Opened Est. Left Days Left
Cellared Containers Summary - 522 containers are cellared holding 68 lbs 7.5 oz (see details)
Qty Brand Blend Name   Type Tot.Weight Containers Avg.Age Oldest
3 Samuel Gawith 1792 Flake Click for details Dark-fired leaf hot pressed and cut into a 6 flake before adding a dressing of Tonquin flavor. A full strength, full flavored tobacco. Va 5.4 oz 3 5 yr 5 mo 5 yr 5 mo
3 Solani 656 - Aged Burley Flake Click for details This blend contains dark brown Burley from Kentucky, light Burley from Brazil, and white Burley from Malawi. Will Rudiger developed a unique toasting process to make the blend slightly sweet. It is a natural blend with no additives or flavors. Bur 5.4 oz 3 6 yr 1 mo 6 yr 1 mo
1 Russ Ouellette Anniversary Kake Click for details A blending Virginia that is a mixture of everything from Lemon through Brown, with an amazing aroma. Combined with St. James Perique (a good amount), heat-treated and pressed. A flavorful cake with a mouth-watering chocolate and fig overtones. --(Submitted by commonsenseman) Va, Per 2 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
2 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Click for details The finest Virginia, Turkish and Oriental tobaccos expertly blended with Latakia to give the smoker a unique taste and aroma. Va, Lat, Or 3.6 oz 2 6 yr 4 mo 6 yr 4 mo
2 Balkan Sasieni Balkan Sasieni Click for details Rich Macedonian Orientals and pungent Latakia are blended with a base of golden and red Virginias to produce what has become one of the most popular premium pipe tobaccos in the world. The history of Balkan Sasieni Smoking Mixtures begins almost a hundred years ago and this fine tobacco draws its roots directly from that family of tobaccos. Or, Lat, Va 3.6 oz 2 6 yr 5 mo 6 yr 6 mo
3 J. F. Germain & Son Balkan Sobranie Click for details Lat, Or, Va 5.4 oz 3 4 yr 11 mo 4 yr 11 mo
16 Arango Balkan Supreme Click for details Lat, Cav, Or, Va 2 lbs 16 5 yr 4 mo 5 yr 10 mo
16 Cornell & Diehl Bayou Morning (067) Click for details A strictly Virginia & Perique blend with stoved Red Virginias. Light-bodied. Va, Per 2 lbs 16 5 yr 3 mo 5 yr 9 mo
5 Samuel Gawith Best Brown Flake Click for details Hand stripped Flue-cured Zimbabwe leaf steamed and pressed to medium brown. Cool, sweet and mild. Va 1 lbs 1.8 oz 5 4 yr 11 mo 4 yr 11 mo
8 Cornell & Diehl Big N Burley (103) Click for details Primarily sweet, rough cut Burley with small amounts of Latakia, Perique and Turkish added for flavor. Bur, Lat, Or, Per 1 lbs 8 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Billy Budd Blonde Click for details Bur, Per, Va 2 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
8 Cornell & Diehl Briar Fox Click for details An exceptionally smooth crumble cake of Virginias. The personal blend of Peter Heeschen, the well-known Danish pipe maker. Va 1 lbs 8 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
12 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Brown Bogie Click for details Also known as Happy Bogie. This is a dark fired and dark air cured Twist. It is a bit stronger than the black twist and is made to slice into coins for smoking, or small plugs for chewing. Va 1 lbs 3 oz 12 5 yr 10 mo 5 yr 10 mo
20 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Brown Flake Click for details As with Bright CR Flake, this is another tobacco that devises its flavour simply from the choice of leaf in the blend, and has no additional casings or flavours to enhance the smoke. (u/s - stands for unscented) 83.5% Blended virginias are combined with a relatively high (for English Blends at any rate) proportion of Malawi Burley, 12.5%, to give flavour and depth to the smoke, and the addition of just 4% Malawi dark fired leaf is sufficient to combat the typical sharpness of the virginia leaf resulting in a rounded medium strength smoke. --(Submitted by commonsenseman) Va, Bur 3 lbs 7.6 oz 20 5 yr 10 mo 5 yr 11 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Brown Flake Aromatic Click for details Hot-pressed, dark-stoved Virginias are supplemented by Burley varietals and flavored with licorice, maple and tonquin bean essence. Aro, Bur, Va 2 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
4 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Brown Flake Licorice Click for details Va, Bur 1 lbs 4 4 yr 10 mo 4 yr 10 mo
5 Wessex Burley Slices Click for details Return of original Richmond recipe, full flavored and nutty. Bur 9 oz 5 5 yr 9 mo 6 yr 1 mo
1 Lane Limited Captain Black Cherry Click for details Cav, Va 1.5 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 Lane Limited Captain Black Dark Click for details Cav, Va 1.5 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 Lane Limited Captain Black Gold Click for details Matured Golden Cavendish tobaccos, exceptionally mild, delightfully aromatic. The fragrance is masculine but subtle, the taste is sweet, and the aroma is characterized by chocolate and vanilla flavors. Aro, Cav 1.5 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 Lane Limited Captain Black Royal Click for details Cav 1.5 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Coniston Cut Plug Click for details A very lightly flavored classic plug formed from dark-fired, bright Virginias and Kentucky Burley. Va, Bur 2 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 GL Pease Cumberland Click for details Robust and possessing a subdued sweetness, Cumberland is a delightfully orchestrated suite of American tobaccos, featuring a rare and exquisite mahogany Kentucky, aged in bales for twenty years. Red and matured Virginias establish a theme. Bur, Va 2 oz 1 5 yr 10 mo 5 yr 10 mo
16 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Dark Birdseye Click for details Manufactured from Dark tobacco whole leaf rather than strips, the mid-rib (or stem) gives the birds eye effect when cut. A strong smoke which was particularly favored by the fishermen as the finer cut meant the tobacco was easier to keep lit. Va 2 lbs 16 4 yr 10 mo 4 yr 11 mo
11 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Dark Flake Click for details Comprised from the same tobaccos as unflavored Dark Flake, this strong, full-bodied flake is augmented with the addition of traditional British flavorings, as well as tonquin, maple, and licorice. A traditionally flavored British Flake. Va, Aro 1 lbs 6 oz 11 5 yr 10 mo 5 yr 11 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Dark Flake Scented Click for details  --(Submitted by Johnny                   ) Va 2 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
10 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Dark Plug Click for details Dark flake tobacco is cut into bars from cake. A very strong, but very cool smoke is the result of combining in equal proportions only Malawi Dark Fired Leaf and Indian dark air-cured leaf. No additional flavours. You can smell in this tobacco the Smokey flavour of the dark fired leaf derived from its curing process of being hung above smoky fires, and the sweeter, yet still strong cigar type flavour of the dark-air-cured Indian leaf. Va 2 lbs 6 oz 10 4 yr 10 mo 4 yr 10 mo
1 Peter Heinrichs Dark Strong Flake Click for details Aged cakes of red Virginia and fire-cured dark Kentucky tobaccos give this full-bodied, flavorful flake an unusually rich and naturally spicy taste. Not for neophytes, this one satisfies with old-fashioned deep taste. Good outdoors. Va, Bur 3.5 oz 1 6 yr 1 mo 6 yr 1 mo
2 Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky Click for details The Orlik Dark Kentucky is a contrasting blend of Mature Virginia tobaccos, supplemented with dark- fired Kentucky tobacco, which is then pressed and cut into flakes. Full-bodied non-aromatic. Bur, Va 3.6 oz 2 6 yr 7 mo 6 yr 7 mo
11 Peterson Early Morning Pipe Click for details Lat, Or, Va 1 lbs 3.8 oz 11 5 yr 5 yr 1 mo
1 Dunhill Elizabethan Mixture Click for details A distinctive flavorful blend pressed, darkened tobaccos with Perique added for character. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 9 yr
1 GL Pease Embarcadero Click for details Rich, ripe red Virginias are combined with top-grade Izmir leaf, pressed and aged in cakes, then sliced into flakes and tinned. The result is a wonderfully fragrant, natural blend with subdued sweetness. Va, Or 2 oz 1 6 yr 1 mo 6 yr 1 mo
4 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Ennerdale Flake Click for details Predominately Virginia leaf with the addition of sun cured Malawi to add sweetness & strength. A background flavor of almond with the addition of fruit flavors, vanilla, and the special English type flavors. Aro, Va 1 lbs 4 4 yr 10 mo 4 yr 10 mo
8 Cornell & Diehl Epiphany (068) Click for details A Runowski/Tarler blend of Virginia, Latakia, Burley and Perique reminiscent of the original Revelation that was said to be the favorite of a certain renowned thinker named Einstein. Va, Bur, Lat, Per 1 lbs 8 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
12 Scandinavian Tobacco Group Escudo Navy Deluxe (new label) Click for details This old classic is a Virginia Perique curley cut tobacco in large coin size. The combination of high grade Virginia and Perique tobaccos provides fine, cool smoking enjoyment. The undisputed King of VaPers, bar none! New label on tin, same product. Va, Per 1 lbs 5.6 oz 12 6 yr 7 mo 6 yr 9 mo
1 Kramer's Father Dempsey Click for details Lat, Or, Va 2 oz 1 5 yr 10 mo 5 yr 10 mo
1 GL Pease Fillmore Click for details A thick-sliced, broken flake in the Scottish tradition. Ripe red Virginia tobaccos are combined with a generous measure of fine Louisiana Perique, and then pressed to marry the components and deepen the flavors. Fillmore presents an elegant sweetness and delightful piquancy, enhanced by a creamy richness that develops throughout the bowl. Sit back, and enjoy a lovely, leisurely smoke! The blender (Greg Pease) claims this blend has a wee touch of Latakia, although you really cant taste it. Va, Per 2 oz 1 5 yr 10 mo 5 yr 10 mo
4 Five Brothers Five Brothers Click for details One of the more unusual tobaccos available, extremely full-bodied, ultra-high nicotene content. A must for thoses who like living on the dangerous side. Bur 5.2 oz 4 7 yr 5 mo 7 yr 5 mo
8 Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake Click for details Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake is for lovers of pure pressed Virginias. Created in the heart of Lakeland, the hot-pressed blended Virginias take on a delicious and distinctive dark color that creates a pipe smokers dream. Va 2 lbs 8 5 yr 8 mo 5 yr 8 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Grasmere Flake Click for details Bur, Va 2 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
8 Cornell & Diehl Habana Daydream (420) Click for details A flavorful blend of Virginias with Perique and unsweetened Black Cavendish. The mixture also features a dash of Latakia and a spoonful of cigar leaf. Va, Cav, Lat, Per 1 lbs 8 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
35 Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop (107) Click for details Predominantly a mixture of Burleys, with a touch of Red Virginia and Perique. Bur, Per, Va 4 lbs 3 oz 35 5 yr 4 mo 5 yr 11 mo
1 MacBaren HH Acadian Perique Click for details This blend includes Virginias, Burleys, Original Cavendish, Dark Fired Kentucky, Orientals and, of course, a fair amount of Acadian Perique. The HH Acadian Perique has no top flavor at all which means that you will only enjoy the tobacco taste. When smoked, you will experience no tongue bite and this blend will smoke to the bottom, leaving only grey ashes. It is a rich, flavorful and very satisfying smoke. Or, Per, Va 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 5 mo 6 yr 5 mo
1 MacBaren HH Balkan Blend Click for details Lat, Bur, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 5 mo 6 yr 5 mo
1 MacBaren HH Bold Kentucky Click for details Bur, Va 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 1 mo 6 yr 1 mo
5 MacBaren HH Burley Flake Click for details Bur, Va 1 lbs 1.8 oz 5 5 yr 11 mo 6 yr 5 mo
4 MacBaren HH Latakia Flake Click for details Lat, Bur, Or, Va 1 lbs 4 5 yr 10 mo 5 yr 10 mo
8 MacBaren HH Old Dark Fired Click for details Va 1 lbs 8 5 yr 10 mo 5 yr 10 mo
2 MacBaren HH Pure Virginia Click for details Va 3.6 oz 2 7 yr 9 mo 9 yr 3 mo
5 Peterson Irish Flake Click for details A full bodied blend made of equal proportions air-cured, flue cured, and dark fired. True to the pure, unspoiled tobacco taste and recommended for the experienced pipe smoker. Va 9 oz 5 5 yr 6 mo 5 yr 7 mo
1 GL Pease JackKnife Plug Click for details Dark-fired Kentucky Leaf and ripe red Virginia tobaccos, with their deep, earthy flavors, are layered on a central core of golden flue-cured for a hint of bright sweetness, then pressed and matured in cakes, and finally cut into 2oz blocks. Slice it thick and rub it out for a ribbon cut, thin for a shag or chop it into cubes. The choice is yours. Va, Bur 2 oz 1 5 yr 11 mo 5 yr 11 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Kendal Flake Click for details A stronger tobacco with light side proportions of 68% Virginia and a dark side of nearly 1/3, including 16% dark-cured Indian leaf, provide a medium strength smoke. The dominant flavor is one of scented almond and this complex top note is achieved by the combination of over 10 different flavors. Va 2 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
9 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Kendal Kentucky Click for details This entry in the Kendal line is one hundred percent dark-fired Kentucky leaf. Exceptionally full and well rounded. Bur 1 lbs 1 oz 9 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
3 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Kendals Dark Click for details A combination of dark fired and air cured Virginias cut into a fine shag for easy smoking. Va 3 oz 3 5 yr 10 mo 5 yr 10 mo
3 Samuel Gawith Lakeland Dark Click for details Va, Bur 5.4 oz 3 5 yr 5 mo 5 yr 5 mo
8 Russ Ouellette Larry’s Blend Click for details Larry, a connoisseur of English/Balkan blends had tried Ten to Midnight, and although he liked it, he was looking for something a little fuller and different. Based on his preference, Russ blended a full, traditional Balkan. Va, Lat, Or 1 lbs 8 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 Dunhill London Mixture Click for details Skillfully blended Latakia with Virgina and Turkish. Pleasant aroma and a flavor never tiring. Va, Or 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 6 mo 7 yr 6 mo
4 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Louisiana Flake Click for details A dark flake VaPer. Very pleasant nutty/chocolate flavor. Va, Per 1 lbs 4 5 yr 10 mo 5 yr 10 mo
14 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake Click for details A blend of ripe Virginia tobacco spiced with pure Louisiana Perique. The distinctive aroma of Perique combined with the natural sweetness of Virginia tobaccos provides a wonderful characteristic taste with a center of mellow, fermented Black Cavendish. Only available in bulk, generally. Va, Cav, Per 1 lbs 12 oz 14 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 11 mo
14 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake Click for details Luxury Navy Flake is made with very mature Old Belt flue-cured Virginias spiced with Louisiana Perique. Only available in bulk, generally. Va, Per 1 lbs 12 oz 14 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 11 mo
4 GL Pease Maltese Falcon Click for details Stylish, dark and alluring. Generous quantities of Cyprian Latakia are blended with matured red Virginias, exotic orientals, and just a little bright flue-cured leaf to offer a deep, full-bodied yet silky smoke with an intriguing sweetness. Va, Lat, Or 8 oz 4 5 yr 3 mo 5 yr 3 mo
1 GL Pease Montgomery Click for details Virginias, Virginias, Virginias! Several grades of wonderful flue-cured leaf, from soft yellow to deep red, are combined with just a touch of dark-fired Kentucky for a little added richness. A special process, recovered from ancient archives, provides the finishing touch to this wonderful blend. Naturally sweet, and possessing subtle complexity, Montgomery presents delightful new dimensions for the lover of sophisticated Virginia blends. Va 2 oz 1 6 yr 6 yr
10 Peterson My Mixture 965 Click for details Lat, Cav, Or, Va 1 lbs 2 oz 10 5 yr 1 mo 5 yr 3 mo
1 GL Pease Navigator Click for details Va, Bur 2 oz 1 6 yr 1 mo 6 yr 1 mo
10 Peterson Nightcap Click for details Lat, Or, Per, Va 1 lbs 2 oz 10 5 yr 1 mo 5 yr 4 mo
1 Newminster No. 400 Superior Navy Flake Click for details Va 2 oz 1 5 yr 11 mo 5 yr 11 mo
2 Newminster No. 403 Superior Round Slices Click for details Va, Bur 2 oz 2 5 yr 11 mo 5 yr 11 mo
33 Cornell & Diehl Old Joe Krantz (126) Click for details Dark and cube cut Burley with Red Virginia ribbon and Perique creates a smooth, all day smoke. Bur, Per, Va 4 lbs 33 5 yr 3 mo 5 yr 11 mo
19 Cornell & Diehl Pegasus (108) Click for details Three Burley tobaccos, two Virginias and a touch of unsweetened Black Cavendish make this a classic American blend. Medium-bodied. Bur, Cav, Va 2 lbs 3 oz 19 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
10 Peterson Perfect Plug Click for details This excellent plug tobacco comprises selected Virginia leaf from Africa and Brazil blended with Burley leaf from Malawi. The tobaccos are lightly cased before drying and pressing and are then heated and stored for two weeks before cutting. The result is a full bodied yet fruity blend, sure to appeal to the experienced pipe smoker. Va, Aro, Bur 12.9 oz 10 5 yr 5 mo 5 yr 6 mo
16 Daughters & Ryan Picayune Click for details Bur, Or, Per, Va 2 lbs 16 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
3 Planta Presbyterian Click for details Lat, Or, Va 5.4 oz 3 5 yr 10 mo 5 yr 10 mo
1 Rattray Red Raparee Click for details Exhilarating and elusive, quaint and seductive. Prepared from choice Red Virginias and heavily flavored with Orientals, giving it a red tinge. It burns in the pipe with the spontaneity of a fine cigar. --(Submitted by commonsenseman) Or, Va 3.5 oz 1 5 yr 10 mo 5 yr 10 mo
4 Smokers Pride Rich Taste Click for details Bur, Va 8 oz 4 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
4 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Sliced Black Twist Click for details Va 8 oz 4 4 yr 10 mo 4 yr 10 mo
2 GL Pease Spark Plug Click for details Lat, Or, Va 4 oz 2 4 yr 11 mo 4 yr 11 mo
9 Samuel Gawith Squadron Leader Click for details A classic English categorized tobacco. Blended dark and bright Virginias, together with Latakia and Turkish leaf results in a perfect, medium bodied product which gives a rich and slow burning smoke. Lat, Or, Va 1 lbs 1.8 oz 9 4 yr 11 mo 4 yr 11 mo
2 Ogden St. Bruno Flake Click for details Va, Bur 3.6 oz 2 6 yr 2 mo 6 yr 2 mo
2 Samuel Gawith St. James Flake Click for details Genuine Perique is added to an already delicious and flavorsome blend of fine bright Virginias to give St. James the light peppery characteristic enjoyed by so many pipe smokers. Va, Per 8 oz 2 4 yr 11 mo 4 yr 11 mo
1 GL Pease Stonehenge Flake Click for details Stonehenge Flake is a wonderful traditional flake comprised of bright flue-cured and sun-cured leaf from Brazil, Zimbabwe and Malawi, with just a touch of Malawi Burley added for a bit of body, and a slightly fuller flavor. Then, we added a hint of genuine St. James Parish perique, for its special piquant contribution. Once blended, the leaf was steamed, hot-pressed into blocks, and aged, to allow the flavors to meld and marry. The mature blocks were sliced into thin flakes, and cut into 2 inch lengths. This blend was a special limited release and is no longer made. Va, Bur, Per 2 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 GL Pease Stratford Click for details Stratford is an enticing blend of delicately sweet brights and rich, ripe, red Virginia tobaccos, seasoned with just the right measure of fine Louisiana Perique. The wonderfully nuanced interplay of sugar and spice is sure to delight the Perique lover. Va, Per 2 oz 1 5 yr 11 mo 5 yr 11 mo
1 GL Pease Telegraph Hill Click for details A sturdy foundation of Virginia tobaccos, each chosen for its particular character, enhanced with fine flakes of Perique for a refined smoking experience. Telegraph Hill is rich and flavorful, with a satisfying, lingering finish. Va, Per 2 oz 1 6 yr 6 yr
1 GL Pease Temple Bar Click for details Va, Or, Per 2 oz 1 6 yr 1 mo 6 yr 1 mo
1 GL Pease The Virginia Cream Click for details Va, Bur, Cav, Per 2 oz 1 6 yr 6 yr
16 Cornell & Diehl Three Friars (972) Click for details A combination of Virginia ribbon, Brown Virginia Burley and Perique. Bur, Per, Va 2 lbs 16 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
8 Daughters & Ryan Three Sails Click for details Va 15 oz 8 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 GL Pease Triple Play Click for details Ripe red and bright flue-cured tobaccos are joined by piquant Acadian Perique and a balanced measure of smoky dark-fired kentucky. The leaf is pressed and matured in cakes before being cut into 2oz bars, resulting in a bold blend for Virginia and Perique fans. This all-American plug is a winning play, no matter how you slice it. Per, Bur, Va 2 oz 1 6 yr 1 mo 6 yr 1 mo
1 GL Pease Union Square Click for details A blended, sliced cake of high-grade flue cured leaf, from beautiful, sweet brights to deep, earthy reds, without the added sugars and flavourings common to many Virginia flakes. Its rich on the palate, evolving in layers with the clean, natural sweetness of pure tobaccos. It offers a pleasant room note, and a delightful finish. For those seeking the pure Virginia experience, try Union Square. Va 2 oz 1 6 yr 4 mo 6 yr 4 mo
5 Peterson University Flake Click for details Mahogany, Burley and Kentucky blended tobacco created by Peterson for the thinking man. Va, Aro, Bur 9 oz 5 5 yr 7 mo 5 yr 7 mo
15 Dunhill Ye Olde Signe Click for details 1 lbs 11 oz 15 7 yr 8 mo 8 yr 1 mo
Cellared Blends Breakdown
Blend Type    
Va 97 Va 97 19%19%
Bur,Per,Va 85 Bur,Per,Va 85 16%16%
Va,Per 53 Va,Per 53 10%10%
Va,Bur 35 Va,Bur 35 7%7%
Lat,Or,Va 29 Lat,Or,Va 29 6%6%
Lat,Cav,Or,Va 26 Lat,Cav,Or,Va 26 5%5%
Bur 21 Bur 21 4%4%
Bur,Cav,Va 19 Bur,Cav,Va 19 4%4%
Bur,Or,Per,Va 16 Bur,Or,Per,Va 16 3%3%
Va,Aro,Bur 15 Va,Aro,Bur 15 3%3%
(unclassified) 15 (unclassified) 15 3%3%
Bur,Va 14 Bur,Va 14 3%3%
Va,Cav,Per 14 Va,Cav,Per 14 3%3%
Va,Lat,Or 14 Va,Lat,Or 14 3%3%
Va,Aro 11 Va,Aro 11 2%2%
Lat,Or,Per,Va 10 Lat,Or,Per,Va 10 2%2%
Bur,Lat,Or,Per 8 Bur,Lat,Or,Per 8 2%2%
Va,Bur,Lat,Per 8 Va,Bur,Lat,Per 8 2%2%
Va,Cav,Lat,Per 8 Va,Cav,Lat,Per 8 2%2%
Lat,Bur,Or,Va 5 Lat,Bur,Or,Va 5 1%1%
Aro,Va 4 Aro,Va 4 1%1%
Cav,Va 2 Cav,Va 2 1%1%
Or,Lat,Va 2 Or,Lat,Va 2 1%1%
Va,Or 2 Va,Or 2 1%1%
Aro,Bur,Va 1 Aro,Bur,Va 1 1%1%
Aro,Cav 1 Aro,Cav 1 1%1%
Cav 1 Cav 1 1%1%
Or,Per,Va 1 Or,Per,Va 1 1%1%
Or,Va 1 Or,Va 1 1%1%
Per,Bur,Va 1 Per,Bur,Va 1 1%1%
Va,Bur,Cav,Per 1 Va,Bur,Cav,Per 1 1%1%
Va,Bur,Per 1 Va,Bur,Per 1 1%1%
Va,Or,Per 1 Va,Or,Per 1 1%1%
Cellar Container Aging Breakdown
10 yr+ 0
5 yr+ 410 5yr+ 410 79%79%
4 yr+ 112 4yr+ 112 21%21%
3 yr+ 0
2 yr+ 0
18 mo+ 0
1 yr+ 0
6 mo+ 0
< 6 mo 0
Containers Opened/Used History (with OPEN date provided)
  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
  J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D
656 - Aged Burl.. 656 - Aged Burley Flake Wt:1.8oz Opened:01/28/2020 Finished:03/06/2020 Days used: 37 Age was:1 yr 2 mo
Balkan Mixture Balkan Mixture Wt:1.8oz Opened:12/28/2019 Finished:01/31/2020 Days used: 33 Age was:1 yr 4 mo
Balkan Supreme Balkan Supreme Wt:1.0oz Opened:01/26/2019 Finished:02/16/2019 Days used: 21 Balkan Supreme Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/12/2020 Finished:09/05/2020 Days used: 177 Balkan Supreme Wt:1.0oz Opened:12/14/2020 Finished:02/28/2021 Days used: 76 Age was:1 yr 11 mo
Bayou Morning (.. Bayou Morning (067) Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/18/2019 Finished:03/21/2019 Days used: 3
Billy Budd Blon.. Billy Budd Blonde Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/18/2019 Finished:01/12/2020 Days used: 300
Bosun Cut Plug Bosun Cut Plug Wt:1.0oz Opened:03/21/2019 Finished:03/23/2022 Days used: 1098
Briar Fox Briar Fox Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/18/2019 Finished:01/12/2020 Days used: 300
Broken Scotch C.. Broken Scotch Cake Wt:0.3oz Opened:02/20/2019 Finished:01/21/2020 Days used: 334
Brown Bogie Brown Bogie Wt:1.0oz Opened:02/28/2019 Finished:03/23/2022 Days used: 1119
Brown Flake Brown Flake Wt:2.0oz Opened:02/21/2019 Finished:12/14/2020 Days used: 662 Brown Flake Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/01/2019 Finished:03/27/2019 Days used: 25
Brown Flake Lic.. Brown Flake Licorice Wt:1.5oz Opened:02/20/2020 Finished:03/23/2022 Days used: 762
Carter Hall Carter Hall Wt:1.5oz Opened:02/22/2019 Finished:03/16/2019 Days used: 21 Carter Hall Wt:14.0oz Opened:01/27/2020 Finished:01/27/2020 Days used: 0 Age was:10 mo
Coniston Cut Pl.. Coniston Cut Plug Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/23/2019 Finished:01/15/2020 Days used: 297
Dark Birdseye Dark Birdseye Wt:1.5oz Opened:03/02/2020 Finished:03/26/2020 Days used: 24
Dark Flake Scen.. Dark Flake Scented Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/20/2019 Finished:03/20/2019 Days used: 0
Dark Plug Dark Plug Wt:2.0oz Opened:02/12/2020 Finished:03/23/2022 Days used: 770
Ennerdale Flake Ennerdale Flake Wt:2.0oz Opened:02/20/2020 Finished:03/23/2022 Days used: 762
Epiphany (068) Epiphany (068) Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/18/2019 Finished:12/28/2019 Days used: 285
Five Brothers Five Brothers Wt:1.3oz Opened:02/14/2021 Finished:03/23/2022 Days used: 401 Age was:3 yr 7 mo
Full Virginia F.. Full Virginia Flake Wt:3.3oz Opened:04/02/2019 Finished:12/14/2020 Days used: 621
Gaslight Gaslight Wt:2.0oz Opened:03/03/2021 Finished:03/23/2022 Days used: 385 Age was:2 yr 4 mo
Habana Daydream.. Habana Daydream (420) Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/18/2019 Finished:03/24/2019 Days used: 6
Haunted Booksho.. Haunted Bookshop (107) Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/20/2019 Finished:03/26/2019 Days used: 6 Haunted Bookshop (107) Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/12/2020 Finished:03/13/2020 Days used: 0
HH Burley Flake HH Burley Flake Wt:1.8oz Opened:01/11/2020 Finished:02/22/2020 Days used: 41 Age was:1 yr 6 mo
HH Latakia Flak.. HH Latakia Flake Wt:1.8oz Opened:09/05/2020 Finished:02/14/2021 Days used: 162 Age was:2 yr 5 mo
HH Old Dark Fir.. HH Old Dark Fired Wt:1.8oz Opened:01/26/2019 Finished:04/03/2019 Days used: 66
Home Plug Home Plug Wt:1.0oz Opened:04/08/2019 Finished:01/12/2020 Days used: 279
Kendal Flake Kendal Flake Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/23/2019 Finished:03/23/2019 Days used: 0
Kendal Kentucky Kendal Kentucky Wt:1.0oz Opened:03/18/2019 Finished:01/11/2020 Days used: 299
Kendals Dark Kendals Dark Wt:0.5oz Opened:02/04/2019 Finished:03/02/2019 Days used: 26
Louisiana Flake Louisiana Flake Wt:2.0oz Opened:02/27/2019 Finished:03/23/2022 Days used: 1120
Luxury Bullseye.. Luxury Bullseye Flake Wt:0.3oz Opened:01/28/2019 Finished:01/21/2020 Days used: 357
Luxury Navy Fla.. Luxury Navy Flake Wt:1.0oz Opened:03/02/2019 Finished:03/23/2022 Days used: 1117
Maltese Falcon Maltese Falcon Wt:2.0oz Opened:02/20/2019 Finished:01/11/2020 Days used: 325 Age was:1 mo
My Mixture 965 My Mixture 965 Wt:1.8oz Opened:02/09/2020 Finished:03/03/2020 Days used: 22 Age was:5 mo
Nightcap Nightcap Wt:1.8oz Opened:12/26/2019 Finished:01/16/2020 Days used: 20
Old Joe Krantz .. Old Joe Krantz (126) Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/20/2019 Finished:04/06/2019 Days used: 16 Old Joe Krantz (126) Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/12/2020 Finished:03/12/2020 Days used: 0 Old Joe Krantz (126) Wt:2.0oz Opened:02/14/2021 Finished:03/23/2022 Days used: 402 Age was:1 yr 11 mo
Pegasus (108) Pegasus (108) Wt:1.0oz Opened:03/05/2019 Finished:02/28/2020 Days used: 360
Picayune Picayune Wt:1.5oz Opened:03/04/2019 Finished:12/28/2019 Days used: 298 Age was:1 mo
Prince Albert Prince Albert Wt:14.0oz Opened:02/23/2019 Finished:12/28/2019 Days used: 308 Age was:1 mo Prince Albert Wt:14.0oz Opened:01/11/2020 Finished:01/11/2020 Days used: 0 Age was:1 yr Prince Albert Wt:14.0oz Opened:03/25/2020 Finished:09/05/2020 Days used: 163 Prince Albert Wt:14.0oz Opened:09/12/2020 Finished:09/12/2020 Days used: 0 Age was:6 mo
Quiet Nights Quiet Nights Wt:1.5oz Opened:01/31/2020 Finished:04/07/2020 Days used: 66 Age was:11 mo
Red Raparee Red Raparee Wt:3.5oz Opened:03/01/2021 Finished:03/23/2022 Days used: 386 Age was:2 yr 1 mo
Rich Taste Rich Taste Wt:8.0oz Opened:03/03/2019 Finished:12/28/2019 Days used: 300
Sliced Black Tw.. Sliced Black Twist Wt:0.1oz Opened:02/22/2020 Finished:02/23/2020 Days used: 1
Squadron Leader Squadron Leader Wt:1.0oz Opened:01/04/2020 Finished:01/13/2020 Days used: 9
Sweet Coconut T.. Sweet Coconut Twist Wt:2.0oz Opened:03/10/2019 Finished:03/23/2022 Days used: 1109
Three Friars (9.. Three Friars (972) Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/18/2019 Finished:01/12/2020 Days used: 300
Three Sails Three Sails Wt:1.0oz Opened:03/05/2019 Finished:12/28/2019 Days used: 298
Yorktown (457) Yorktown (457) Wt:0.3oz Opened:03/18/2019 Finished:01/12/2020 Days used: 300 Yorktown (457) Wt:2.0oz Opened:01/03/2021 Finished:01/03/2021 Days used: 0 Age was:1 yr 10 mo Yorktown (457) Wt:2.0oz Opened:02/14/2021 Finished:02/14/2021 Days used: 0 Age was:1 yr 11 mo
  J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D
  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

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